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Alliance House is one of only 12 Clubhouse International certified Colleague Training facilities for staff and members of other Clubhouses to learn best-practices for implementing the standards set forth by Clubhouse International.

At the Alliance House Training Base, attendees will learn:​

  1. Clubhouse relationships

  2. Work-ordered day

  3. Transitional, Supported and Independent Employment

  4. Supported Education

  5. Clubhouse-supported housing

  6. After hours recreational programs

  7. Fundraising and grant writing

  8. Clubhouse administration


Clubhouse Training FAQs

Who will benefit from Colleague Training?

  1. A variety of groups will benefit from Colleague Training including:

  2. Programs working toward Clubhouse International certification

  3. Established Clubhouses wishing to further develop their skills and capabilities

  4. Mental health treatment programs transitioning into Clubhouse model programs

  5. Any governing bodies, board members or mental health administrators desiring a working knowledge of the Clubhouse model


What happens when Clubhouse staff and members choose to attend Colleague Training? 

Colleague Training is typically attended by one staff and one or more members. The clubhouse director should be the staff member to attend, if Colleague training has not already been completed. During the third week of training, one individual from the clubhouse with administrative responsibilities joins the group.

 What will I learn by attending Colleague Training? During training, participants formulate an action plan for their Clubhouse. Colleagues develop a working knowledge of the International Standards for Clubhouse Programs as set forth by Clubhouse International, and will learn how to incorporate them into their own Clubhouse thorough participation of the Clubhouse philosophy and model. Training groups will establish a network of collegial relationships, gain on-going support and receive a post-training site visit. 


Strengths of the Alliance House Training Base

  1. Knowledgeable and experienced member and staff training facilitators

  2. A vibrant work-ordered day model to learn from

  3. Diverse transition employment and member job placement management practices

  4. Dynamic supported and independent employment programs

  5. Well-established education program with strong community support

  6. Intimate setting with daily attendance of 45-60 members

  7. Strong history of providing supported housing for members

  8. Unique and cooperative partnership with a strong community mental health agency

  9. Dedicated board of directors that are involved in all aspects of the Clubhouse

  10. Solid experience in hosting international, regional and state Clubhouse conferences and seminars

  11. Active leadership in the Utah Clubhouse Network

  12. Hotel/.Guest House accommodations nearby

  13. Located in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah


Our List of Training Packages

You can chose the package that works best for your Clubhouse


Basic Clubhouse Training

First Time Participants (New Clubhouses) This three-week or two-week training experience is designed for programs converting to the clubhouse model from another service approach or starting as a new clubhouse. Tuition includes training and lodging for the clubhouse director, one staff person and one member. Additionally, tuition includes training and lodging for an individual with administrative oversight responsibility for the clubhouse for the last week of the program. Post-training site visits are negotiable and are scheduled six to nine months after the training experience concludes. The training base and the clubhouse requesting a post site visit will share in the cost.


Ongoing Training for Established Clubhouses

This three-week or two-week training experience is equivalent to training for first-time participants but is designed for clubhouses where the clubhouse director has already been to training. Tuition includes training and lodging for one member and one staff person for three weeks. Additionally, tuition includes training and lodging for the clubhouse director or an individual with administrator oversight responsibility for the last week of the three-week experience. Post-training site visits are negotiable and are scheduled six to nine months after the conclusion of the training experience. The training base and the Clubhouse requesting a post site visit will share in the cost of the visit. 


Additional Clubhouse Training – One Week Specialized Training Track

This training experience is designed specifically for established clubhouses with specific issues or interests related to employment, residential, work-ordered day, young-adult programming (for Certified clubhouses only) or leadership concerns at the clubhouse. Tuition includes training and lodging for one staff person and one member during the week-long training experience. 





To learn more or for our Training Base Brochure

Contact Rebecca or Rachel Training Base Coordinators

Phone: (801) 486-5012 
Fax: (801) 466-5077



Alliance House
Clubhouse International Training Base

Alliance House
Rebuilding Confidence, Purpose, and Community

Main Phone: 801-486-5012 ​

Fax: 801-466-5077

1724 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

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